Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce

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Silver Bay General Store

Silver Bay General Store


GrocerRestaurants & Dining

About Us

The Silver Bay General Store offers an array of high-quality groceries, sundries, coffee, breakfast sandwiches, deli items including Boars Head Meat & Cheeses, subs and sandwiches made to order, lunch specials, snacks, beer, ice cream, fresh local foods, baked goods, local crafts, and much more. To learn more, follow the Silver Bay General Store on Facebook and Instagram. Silver Bay General Store is OPEN all year long!

Contact the Chamber
Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce
94 Montcalm Street, Suite 1
Ticonderoga, NY 12883

Phone: 518­-585-6619

Fax: 518­-585-9184

Office Hours

Monday through Friday

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (April through October)

8:00 AM – 3:00 PM (November through March)

9:00 AM – Noon Saturdays, Memorial Day through Labor Day


Map & visit our office