Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce

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Sun Community News & Printing

Sun Community News & Printing


Press/Publications/RadioAdvertising/PromotionsGraphic DesignMarketingSigns & BannersWeb Design

About Us

Sun Community News & Printing published by Denton Publications Inc. produces four zoned editions of The Sun newspaper, including The Times of Ti Sun edition, covering southern Essex County. Our distribution extends from the Canadian border in the north to the Lake George region in the south. Centrally located in Elizabethtown NY we also maintain offices in Plattsburgh and Ticonderoga. As a family-owned community news company, The Sun is highly sought after in the north country, both by readers and local businesses looking to market their services and goods. At The Sun we go beyond local news reporting. Our diverse range of services includes marketing and branding, commercial web and custom digital printing, signage, direct mailers, and website design & hosting. We invite you to view all our services at suncommunitynews.agency —Thank you for choosing The Sun as your trusted source for community information, we are happy to service you!


Freelance Writers & Photographers
Category: Media - Print
Sun Community News & Printing is immediately accepting applications for freelance writers and photographers. Successful applicants will be highly organized and expected to work independently, meet deadlines, and have outstanding writing or photography skills. Freelance writers will be assigned to cover local community news within Essex County, NY. Candidates must have an outstanding command of the ...read more
Phone:(518) 585-9173
Fax:(518) 585-9175
Contact the Chamber
Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce
94 Montcalm Street, Suite 1
Ticonderoga, NY 12883

Phone: 518­-585-6619

Fax: 518­-585-9184

Office Hours

Monday through Friday

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (April through October)

8:00 AM – 3:00 PM (November through March)

9:00 AM – Noon Saturdays, Memorial Day through Labor Day


Map & visit our office